DUKE FAMILY CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Rock Springs Baptist Church Cemetery Old Madison & Westminster, SC Version 2.3, 17-Apr-2005, C011.TXT, C011 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Locate the intersection of Highways 76 & 123. Drive 4.9 miles west on Highway 76 to SR 37-88 (Welcome Church Road). Turn left on SR 37-88 and drive 3.6 miles south. Bear left on SR 37-89 (Moore Farm Road). Drive to Duke Cemetery Road. Turn right and drive to the first dirt road on your left. Drive to the end of this dirt road. Cemetery is located on a hill at the right-side end of the road. Latitude N 34 39.025 x Longitude W 83 12.445 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ Rock Springs Baptist Church was the home church for many of the sons and daughters of Westley and Jane Liles and of Hugh Isham and Jenny Liles from 1852 to the end of the century. Rock Springs Baptist Church was formed in 1849, about 4 miles (as the crow flies) north of Madison in Oconee County, S.C. Not until 1888, though, did the Duke family, which owned the land on which the church sat, convey the two acres over to the church for the church itself, a school, and a public burying ground. The church building no longer exists, and the church cemetery, sometimes known as Duke Cemetery, is overgrown with young trees. Joseph Liles, Jr., is buried there, just a little way off today's Duke Cemetery Road. Over the years, these Lileses appeared in the church's records: Joseph Liles (1853, by experience) David A. Liles (1853, by exprience) George W. Liles (1852, by experience) Joseph O. Liles (1853, by experience) William B. Liles (before 1856) Elis Lyles Jona Liles (1866) Salina Liles (1852, by experience) Salina Liles 2 Letty Ann Liles (1853, by experience) Tildy Ann Maria Liles (1853, by experience) Martha Liles (1852, by experience) (Were there several Marthas?) Martha J. Liles (1861, by experience) Elizabeth Liles (1866 by letter) Marinda [Arrinda] Liles (1866 by experience) Fanny Liles (1866 by experience) Nancy Jane Liles (1873 by experience) Debba Ann Liles (1874 by experience) We've transcribed these records from the originals, which the descendants of Joseph Liles, Jr., have graciously shown us. In the text below, I've have only rarely intervened to correct spelling or punctuation. Only where the sense was especially unintelligible have I corrected the spelling (which I've indicated with square brackets) or inserted a period as an all-purpose indication of a stop. I have also regularly capitalized the proper names of people. --jrl [1852] August term the 1852 We the baptis Church of Christ at Rock springs met in conference 1 invited visiting brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference. None 3 Called for the peace of the Church. all in peace 4 opened the door of the Church for the reception of members and received by Experience Brother George W Liles and wife Salina Liles and sister Martha Liles by Experience and sister Rebecca Brewer and Marget Brewer by experience and Martha Brewer by experience and Mary Elizabeth Whisenant by Letter and received George Whisenant and Martha Ann Mason Experience. meting closed on Tuesday. Joel Pitts CHCL [George W. Liles was most likely a son of Westley and Jane Liles. He was evidently married Salina sometime between the census of 1850 and the summer of 1852. Martha Liles may be one of the older daughters of Hugh Isham and Jenny Liles.] September term the 1852. . . . 4 then appointed dellegates to the association Brother Joel Pitts and Brother E. Deaton and Brother George W. Liles in case of failure. . . . J. Pitts CHCL November term the 20 1852. We the baptis Church of Christ at rock springs met in Conference 1 invited visiting brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference. None 3 Called for the peace of the Church. all in peace 4 then went into alection for a deacon and elected Brother George W. Liles and agreed to pet[it]ion helps for that purpose viz Chauga and holly springs to ordain of the Brother for the office Joel Pitts Church Clerk [1853] Januar term the 1853. We the baptis Church of Christ at Rock Springs met in Conference 1 invited visiting brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference. None 3 Called for the peace of the Church. all in peace 4 sister Martha Liles Called for a letter of dismission whitch was granted to her 5 the Church agreed to let Brother George Liles out of the office of a deacon. went into alection for another. Called Brother BC. Whisenant Was elected and agreed to petition helps for that purpose viz Ch[a]uga and holly springs for that purpose 6 opened a door for members. None come Leonard T. Whisenant CH Clerk July term the 1853. We the baptis Church of Christ at Rock springs met in Conference 1 invited visiting brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference. None 3 Called for the peace of the Church. all in peace 4 opened the door of the Church for the reception of members and received Joseph Liles and Letty Ann Liles his wife and Mary Noris & Joseph O. Liles and David A. Liles and Tilda Ann Maria Liles and C.C. Whisenant and received Jane Whisenant his wife and Elija Deaton and Mary Deaton his wife and Jerry Miah Collins By Experience Wm R. Pitts CH Clerk [Joseph Liles was Joseph Liles, Jr., a son either of Hugh Isham and Jenny Liles or of Joseph Liles (Sr) and a wife from an early first marriage. Letty Ann Liles was from the Whisenant family. Joseph O(lden) Liles, David A(shbury) Liles, and Tilda (Matilda) Ann Maria Liles were children of Westley and Jane Liles.] Augus[t] term the 1853. . . . 4 opened the door of the Church for the reception of members and received Salina Liles by Letter. . . . 5 then went into the arangement of appointed Dellegates to the association Namely Brother George W. Liles and Brother Charley Pitts and in case of failure Joel Pitts and C.C. Whisenant Wm R. Pitts CH Clerk October term the 1853. . . . 3 Called for the peace of the Church and a Charge was brought up against sister Martha Brewer for bearing an heir when not lawfully married. moved and seconed that she be Excluded from the Church Which was done 4 then Brought up a Charge against a Colored sister belonging to Joshaway Cox for bearing an heir when not lawfully married. moved and seconed that she be Excluded from the Church Which was done Wm R. Moody CH Clerk December term the 1853. We the baptis Church of Christ at Rock springs met in conference 1 invited visiting brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference. None 3 Called for the peace of the Church and Brother G.W. Liles brought a charge against Elizabeth Whisenant for owing a in[?]st Debt an refusing to pay it. Moved and seconed that the Church take up the case an act upon it. Moved and seconed that she be Excluded from the Church Whitch was done 5 then opened the door of the Church for the reception of members. None come Wm R. Moody Church Clerk [1854] February term the 1854. We the baptis Church of Christ at Rock spring[s] met in conference 1 invited visiting brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference. None 3 Called for the peace of the Church. Not in peace. then Brother Joel Pitts Laid in a complaint against Brother George A. Whisenant and his wife for saying that Brother George Liles had told a lie an it was recorded on the Church Book. appointed Brethren to Cite them to tend on our next Conference meeting. Namely Brother Broom and Brother C. Pitts 4 Called for other Business. None 5 opened the door of the Church for the reception of members and received by Letter sister Catherrine Collins Wm R. Pitts CHClerk May term the 1854. We the baptis Church of Christ at Rock springs met in conference 1 invited visiting brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference their being a Charge aginst sister Lyda Whisenant. the Church took up the Case and Excluded her from fellowship of the Church 3 opened the door of the Church for the reception of members and received sister Milly Whisenant by Experience J. Pitts CH Clerk August term the 19 1854. . . . 3 Called for the peace of the Church Not in peace. then Brother Joel Pitts Laid in a Charge against sister Sabrar Collins for bearing an heir when not Lawfully married. the Church acted on the Case and Excluded her from the Church. . . . Leonard T. Whisenant Ch Clerk September term the 16 1854. . . . 4 then opened the door of the Church for the reception of members and received by Experience sister Mary Ann Ridens and received sister Elizabeth Whisenant by recantation And received a Colored sister belonging to Joshaway Cox and received a Colored brother and sister belonging to S.E. Maxwell. . . . and received sister Martha Liles by Letter. . . . Leonard T. Whisenant Ch Clerk [Was this Martha Liles the same person who got a letter of dismission in January 1853? We can't be sure.] [1855] January term the 20 1855 For the year of our Lord 1855. . . . 5 then sister Salina Liles Called for a letter of Dismission which was granted to her Leonard T. Whisenant Ch Clerk [Salina Liles here was presumably the wife of George W. Liles. Why did she transfer to another church while her husband still remained. In October 1856 letters of dismission were granted to George W. Liles and his wife.] February term the 17 1855 We the baptis Church of Christ at Rock springs met in conference 1 invited visiting Brethren to a seat with us 2 Called for reference None 3 Called for the peace of the Church. not in peace then Brother Joel Pitts laid in a Charge against Brother Wm Brown for drinkng and swearing. then appointed Brethren to site him to tend on our Next Conference meeting viz Brother Joel Pitts and Brother Joseph Liles and Brother George W. Liles and Br Jeames M. Black. . . . L.T. [Whisenant] CCCL [1856] April term the 19 [18]56 We the Baptis church met in conference 1 called Brother Morton to the moderation seat 2 then took up a reference ag[ainst] Brother Jeremah Collins for intoxication and laid hit over till our next meating 3 Called for the peace of the church the church not being in peace in consequence of A letter Written by Brother Joel Pitts to the clerk of the association for the money approp[ri]ated for minutes as the minutes had not come 4 moved and second that A charge be taken up aganest Brother Joel Pitts for the same and for faults Statements in connection with the same. by a move and second the charge was laid over untill the nex[t] conference. B.C. Whisenant Ch C May the 17 [18]56. . . . 1 appointed Brother A. Black as moderater of the Committe A. Black, Wm W. Leathers, D.A. Liles, J.R. Black, Wm Norris as a Commi[ttee] to Settle a difficulty between Brother Joel Pitts and the church. . . . W.R. Pitts Ch.Cl August the 16 1856. . . . 2 Called for the peace of the Church. not in peace 3 move an second that we take up A charge aganest Brother Charley Pitts for intoxication and Abusing his wife 4 Mov[e] and second that we Exclude Brother Charley Pitts from the peace of the church and which was don[e] 5 then went into Election and elect Brother D.A. Liles, Brother J.R. Black and G.W. Liles as delegates to the Association. B.C. Whisenant ChC September 20 the 1856. . . . 3 the church agreed to have [?] the condision of Brother Joel Pitts until next meeting whether they will set him forward to the ministry again or not. . . . [no signature] October the 18 1856 We the Church at Rock spring[s] met in conference 1 move and second that we take up the cace that we have in consideration of Brother J[oel] Pitts and refered until our next meeting and the account of unfavorable reports of intoxication 2 then went into the election of a deacon and elected Brother D.A. Liles 3 a move and second that Brother G.W. Liles and wife have letters of dismission which was granted 4 opened the door of the church and Brother Charley Pitts by recantation. B.C. Whisenant ChC Dec the 17 [18]56 1 the church at Rock spring met in conference 2 called for reference there being won and refered BR Pitts cace over unto our next meeting then called for the peace of the church. no[t] in peace then received BR Wm B. Liles acknowledgment B.C. Whisenant ChC [William B. Liles, about 15 years old here, was a son of Hugh Isham and Jenny Liles. He later died at the battle of Spotsylvania Court House in 1864, leaving widow Caroline Matilda Broome Liles and two young children.] [1857] Febr 1857 the church met in conference at rock spring 1 called for reference and there being a reference and received BR J. Pitts acnolledgement 2 called for the peace of the church. all in peace 3 open the door of the church B.C. Whisenant ChC July the 11 [18]57 We the Baptis Church at Rock spring me[t] in conference 1 called for reference. non[e] 2 move and a second that we take up a Charge aganest Brother Joel Pitts for drunkness. 3 move and second that we Exclude him for the same. 4 Open the door of the church and received won by letter 5 then called for the peace of the church. all in peace. 6 move & second that we grant sister Burnet and sister Cox letter of dismissed. then appointed Brothern Joseph Liles & D.A. Liles to go to the union meeting at pleasant hill agreeabel to the present act of the church at Rock Springs. the presbatry called on to meet with the church for the purpose of ordaining a Deacon the presbatry consisting of Brotheren from Holly springs. Rev. Phillip Chambers, Spencer Chambers, & E. Hughs Deacons from old liberty. the Rev. J.R. Hunnicutt and Wm W. Leathers with B.C. Whisenant Deacons of rock Springs. the presbatry being organized appointed Brother Hunnicutt moderator & Brother E. Hughs clerk of the presbatry. the candidate Brother D.A. Liles being given up by the church in the presence of the presbatry. Brother Hunnicutt lead in the Examination the candidate giving full satisfaction to the presbatry. the ordination prayer being made by Brother Hunnicutt after which the right hand of fellowship was Extended E. Hughs Clerk Dec 1857 We the Baptis Church at Rock spring met in conference 1 called for reference. none 2 Called for the peace of the church. not in peace. then received [an] Acknowledgment from BR Joseph Liles for intoxication 3 move & second that we take up acharge against BR Wm Norris for breaking the peace between man & wif which was laid over until our next meeting & appointed BR Jackson Elberson & BR Joseph Liles to site him to the next meeting B.C. Whisenant ClC [1858] April the 3rd 1858. . . . 3 took up the Charge Against Brother William Liles And C.C. Whisenant for Drunkeness And profane swearing And Excluded them for the same 4 Called for the peace of the Church And Reports S[a]ying that sister Jane Whisenant had got in Disorderly intoxication. the Church took up A charge Against her for the same And Excluded her also for the same E. Hughs Clerk pro tem July term the 3 1858. . . . 2 called for reference and took up the charge aganst brother Joseph Liles for drunkness and swearing and the church forgave him [no signature] [1859] Aprile term 1859. . . . 5 opened the doore for reception of members and received Brother B. Pullen and wife Elizabeth and Sister Elizabeth Moor and Sister Martha Liles all by letter. B. Pullen CC ppro tem June Term 1859 after Servises by Brother Rial 1 Caled for the peace of the Church. all in peace 2 Appointed delegates to the union Meeting to be held at Chaug[a] Church to Commence friday before the 5 Lords day in July. next appointed B. Pullen D.A. Liles and C. Pitts in case of failure 3 read and adopted the rules of the Church 4 opened the door of the Church and received Brother Wm Mays by letter & Joel Pitts Came forward for restoration and the church not being Satisfied the case was laid over till next conferance B. Pullen C.C. July term 1859 1 after Servises by Brother Chambers the moderater Bro Rial caled for the peace of the Church. all in peace 2 invited visiting Brothren to a Seat in Conferance 3 Taken up the case of Joel Pitts after some discussion the Church agreed to Recind what they had done and give him a new hearing at the next Conferance . . . 5 Elected delegates to the association viz B. Pullen, Wm Mays and D.A. Liles in case of failure 6 Taken up a Charge against Joel Pitts for the intemperate use of ardent Spirits 7 Caled Brother P. Chambers and Brother S. Chambers & J.R. Hunnicut & E. Hughs to assist in the case 8 appointed B. Pullen to Site J. Pitts to attend next Conferance and also his wife as a witness. . . . B. Pullen C.C. August Term 1859 after Servises by Brother Rial 1 invited visiting Brethren to a Seat in Conferance 2 Caled for refferences there being one against Brother Joel Pitts for intoxication and he came forward and made the necessary acknowledgement as was retained in the Church. 3 Brother Joseph Liles laid in a Charge against himself for geting in a dificulty with a man and struck him but made the necessary acknowledgement and the church forgave him 4 opened the door of the church for the reception of members. none offered B. Pullen C.C. [1860] Feb term 1860 after Servises by Brother Butler on Sabbath. went in to some business 1 Elected Charles Duke a deacon . . . agreed to call on the Elder ship of Holly Spring[s] Church for help and also the Elder ship of Liberty Church 2 Brother Joseph Liles and wife Martha [sic] caled for letters of dismission, which was granted. . . .3 Mrs Lydia Whisenant sent a letter to the church with an acknowledgement which the Church received and a letter of dismission granted to her [no signature] Aprile term 1860 . . . 5 appointed Brother C. Duke and J. Pitts to site Joseph Liles to attend next conferance and answer to reports in circulation . . . appointed Brother Butler moderator and Bro. Collands Clerk Bro. Hughes from Chauga Church and D.A. Liles of this church to assist in the ordination [of Charles Duke] . . . B. Pullen C.C. May term 1860 . . . appointed a committy of 3 viz D.A. Liles, Charles Duke and B. Pullen to look in to the affairs of the church to inquire after reports that is out a gainst any member and if they find them to be true to site them to attend conference and answer to the same B. Pullen CC [What prompted this unusual committee? Something seems to have been afoot. In the past few months almost a half dozen members had been called to answer for not attending church.] June term 1860 . . . 2 caled for refferences there being one a gainst Joseph Liles. he came forward and made an acknowledgement and was forgiven. . . . B. Pullen CC July term 1860 . . . 3 caled for the peace of the church. not in peace. an account of some falce reports told by Brother A. Norrice about Brother D.A. Liles. taken up a charge against A. Norris and Excluded him from the fellow ship of the church. . . . B. Pullen C.C. August term 1860 after Servises by rev. Mr Thiving Methodis Circuit rider . . . 4 chose delegates to the association viz B. Pullen, D.A. Liles and Joel Pitts alternate 5 opened the door of the church for reception of members. received B.C. Whisenant by recantation. . . . B. Pullen CC also preaching on monday and Tuesday and wednesday and recd by restoration C.C. Whisenant and wife Jane [1861] March term 1861 . . . 4 inquired for the general Business when Brother D. A. Liles reported that cool Springs Church sent a letter requesting the friend ship of this Church to be with on Friday before the first Sabbath in April to assist them to ordain a deacon . . . D. Butler Mod. John M. Smith CC April Term [1961] . . . 3 Inquired for the peace of the Church It was not in peace. Brother C Duke reported that Brother Liles had been drinking and using profain language. his case was taken up and moved and seckon that Brother J. Liles [be] e[x]cluded at his request . . . D. Butler Mod. John M. Smith CC July Term 20th 1861 . . . 3 We inquired for the peas of the church. we found a charge a ganst our Sister Sary Ann Black and the c[har]ge taken [up] and she was found gilty of the c[h]arg[e]. the charg[e] was for having a Legitimate [an illegitimate] child and it was moved and seckon that She be excluded from our felow ship 4 Liberty Church requestted help from this church for help. we nominated Brother Whisenant, Brother Joel Pitts, Brother C. Duke, Brother J.M. Smith To attend Liberty Church on a case that wanted settle . . . [not signed] August Term 1861 . . . 4 Call for generl bisness. It was moved and seckon that we Elect delegats to the association. we Elect Brother D.A. Liles and Brother Joel Pitts and Brother Gruls appoint to go to the association 5 We open the doore of the Church on Sund[a]y for the reception of member Martha J. Liles by experience . . . [not signed] [1862 to 1866] [from 1862 to the early 1870s the records are scarce.] [December term 1862] we the Baptist Church of Christ at rock spring met in conferance after servis by Brother Dearmond and Brother [?] Kelly. invited Brethren of sister Churches to a seat. Cald for the peace of the Church. all in peace. Cald for refferance. non[e]. Cald for general Buisness. the Church considered the state of Brother J. Pitts and giv his licens up and liberty to labor [?] in the ministry again [whereever?] his lot ma[y] by cast. W.W. Leathers Clerk pro tem June term 1863 We the baptist church of Christ at Rock Spring after servis by Brother [illegible] met in conferance. invited members to a seat with us. Cald for refferance and taken up the case aginst Brother Josep[h] Lyles for drunkness and bad lang[uage] and excluded him for the same. . . . Joel Pitts C C [1865?] march term. . . . opend the dor of the Church and receiv[ed] sister [illegible] Duke by letter & sister Eliza Liles by letter . . . and receiv[ed] Marinda Lyles by experianc[e] and Fanny Liles by experieanc[e] [Joel Pitts CC] August 11 the 1866 . . . appointed B[r]othren to read and surc[h] [?] scripters and report to the Church all the [for?]bid idels [?] that is forbid dooing, names of the brethren to wit Joel Pitts, Philip Chambers, D.A. Liles, Joseph Liles, Charlee Pitts. John A. Davis moderator Joel Pitts CC [1873 to 1878] Jan Term Jan the 11 1873 We the Baptis church of Christ met in conference at Rock Spraing after servis by Lemule Chambers. 1 Invited visiting Brothers and sisters to a seat with us. 2 called for the peace of the church. 3 Taken up a charge against sister Rinda Liles for Disorderly conduct and excluded [her] for the same. [4] called for General Business and found none. Then adjourned in order. L. Chambers mod. Thomas A. Spencer C.C. Feb Term 1873. . . . Taken up a charge against sister Mary E. Duke for quitting the Baptis church & joining the Methodis church and exclu[d]ed her for the same. . . . L. Chambers. mod W.A. Duke C.C. Aug the 9 1873. . . . Apointed W.A. Duke to make up the means for the Recovering of the Rock Spraing church. . . . L. Chambers moderater W.A. Duke C.C. According to previous appointment we the Baptis church of Christ at Rock Spraing met on Saturday the 30 of Aug in a protracted meeting and Received the following members by Experience to wit Nancy Jane Liles, Mary Robinson, Amanda Melvina Duke, Sarah Carver, Malica Carver, all by experience and Restored Joseph Liles. . . . Lemule Chambers Mod W.A. Duke CC March the 7 1874. . . . Open the Door of the church for the Reception of members & Received sister Debba Ann Liles by Exper[ie]nce L.D. Chambers Mod W.A. Duke CC Total Number of members at Rock Spraing the year Ending Sept the 12 1874 is 31. [R. Cobb, moderator,W.A. Duke, church clerk] Nov the 8 [1874]. . . . Called for the peace of the church. all in peace Except Amanda M. Harvey. Taken up a charge against her for fornication and Excluded her for fornication. . . . L.D. Chambers mod W.A. Duke CC Aug term 1875 We the Baptist Church of Christ at Rock Springs met in Conferance. . . . 4 A Committe is appointed to investagate the dif[f]iculty Between Sister Mary Duke & Sister Margret Duke viz J.N. Adams, Eliga Detors, E.H. Cleland & H. Smith L.C. Smith. 5 your Committe beg leave to Report that Sister Mary Duke['s] feeling is hurt and Sister Marget Duke Refuses to give Satisfaction 6 took up a Charge against Sister Marget for talking about her Cooking and Eating in her husband['s] absance. 7 Requested Sister Marget Duke to make a[c]knowledgement Which was done and received 8 took up a charge of Basterage against Nancy Jane Liles Which was excluded 9 adjourned [not signed] Sep 11 1875. . . . 4 Apointed Brother Spencer & Brother Harvey to go & See Brother Liles 5 taken up a charge against Brother W.A. [Duke] for Baring falce witness against Sister Margret Duke. asked him to make ackkno[w]ledgement which he made & was Received. . . . [not signed] ["Brother Liles" here was probably Joseph Liles.] October turm [1875]. . . . Received the report [of] Brother Liles & Recin[d]ed the act of granting W.A. Duke and wife letters. Received the Acknowledge[ment] of Sister Margret Duke. . . . G.F. Duke C.C. July Term [1876]. . . . 3 Called for the pease of the Church. all in pease Except one member which was Ben Jenkins and a Charge was taken up aginst him for Stealing and he was excluded for the Same. . . . 5 Moved and Second that the Church Book be Bro[u]ght to the Church and the Names of the members be called which was Done. G.F. Duke CC August Term 1878. . . . 3 Appointed Brother T.A. Spencer, Joseph Liles, 7 Wm Harvey to see the offended party and . . . Report at the next conferance. . . . T.A. Duke CC R. Cobb Mod Sept Term 1878. . . . 2 Called for a report from the committee. they Report that the case of sisters & Brother Duke come in the church 3 taken up a charge against G.F Duke for abusing his mother 4 Received an acknowladgement from Brother G.F. Duke 5 Received an acknowladgement from Sister Amanda Duke for dancing 6 Taken up a charge against Sisters Lavina Duke and Amanda Duke for abusing G.F. Duke in fusing [fussing?] 7 Exclu[d]ed Sisters Lavina and Amanda Duke from fellowship. . . . R. Cobb Mod T.A. Duke CC [1883 to 1894] [From the end of 1878 to 1881, the records are missing. The first mention of a Liles--Joseph Liles-- is in the record for September 1883, and after that, till the 1890s when Joseph Liles became church clerk, the Liles name does not appear very often.] Sept Term [1883] . . . 4 Called for General Business and went into the Election of Delagates to the Fork Association. Elected W.E. W[elbo]rn [and] Joseph Liles as Delagates T.A. Spencer CC September 11th 1886 . . . 4th Call for general business and agree to represent the Fork Association to convene at the new Westminster Baptist church on Wednesday before the 1st sunday in October next by Letter and Delegates to wit, Joseph Liles, W.C. Duke and Vannie Clarida. . . . W.C. Duke CC Oct the 28th 1894 By request of Joseph Liles Rev. L.D. Chaimbers met the Church and community at rock Spring and they elected him to preach for them the following year. Joseph Liles December the 1st 1894 We the Baptist Church at Rock Spring after preaching by L.D. Chaimbers met in conference. first cald for the peace and feloship of the church. all in peace. Second cald general bisness and opend the Doore of the church and received Martha Long by return Letter. L.D. Chaimbers Mo Joseph Liles CC These web pages were originally created by James Robert Lyles III together with his cousin, Joseph Bryan Lyles. Following Jim's death on April 20, 2000, Bryan has taken on maintaince of the web pages with the assistance of Jim's sister, Marianne Lyles. TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ADAMS, Edna Mae, b. 18-feb-1908, d. 13-jun-1941 ADAMS, J.O., b. 1865, d. 1899 ADAMS, Roland L., b. 21-mar-1863, d. 24-jan-1923 ADAMS, Samantha P., b. 2-jul-1865, d. 19-sep-1959 CLARDIE/CLARDY, Amandie, b. 15-dec-1859, d. 19-jul-1901 D., W.C. DEATON, Elijah, b. dec-1781, d. 30-mar-1855 DEATON, Elizabeth, b. 25-dec-1790, d. 31-jul-1873 DEATON, Jackson, b. 11-dec-1815, d. 28-mar-1883 DUKE, Alice B., b. 18-dec-1881, d. 5-oct-1883 DUKE, Cora E., b. 11-oct-1887, d. 21-dec-1888 DUKE, Nettie, 30-jun-1862, h. warren duke DUKE, Warren, b. dec-1850, d. 3-may-1913, w. nettie duke HALL, W.D., b. 25-jun-1862, d. 12-dec-1921 JONES, Bonnie Jean, b. 27-apr-1954, d. 3-may-1954, f. b.r. jones JONES, Claude Ramseur, b. 24-nov-1898, d. 22-mar-1968 JONES, Velma L. Dearhart, b. 2-feb-1904, d. 23-jun-1948 JOSEPH, Liles (Jr) PITTS, W.R., b. 2-sep-1832, d. 12-nov-1910 RAMSAY, George Julius (Jr), b. 1878, d. 1937, w. m.e. ramsay RAMSAY, George Julius (Sr), b. 12-jul-1849, d. 28-mar-1926 RAMSAY, Mamie Lou E., b. 27-dec-1881, d. 12-sep-1970 RAMSAY, Mary E., b. 4-aug-1854, d. 21-jun-1896, h. g.j. ramsay SPENCER, William WALKER, Mary Eliza, b. 24-jun-1844, d. 2-mar-1908 WALKER, Osmond Irvin, b. 13-jan-1838, d. 9-jun-1906